Friday, April 8, 2011

People Suck

People Suck.

We've all said it or believed it at some point. Usually because in some simple interaction, someone snapped at us or was bossy or just plain old mean.

But those folks didn't start off that way. People treat other people badly, because people treated them badly in the first place.

So it's easy to wanna be mean and rude right back to them, but we can either continue that suck cycle or try and break it. The whole, "kill them with kindness" thing.

So the next time someone is sucky to you in everyday life, step back, take a moment and return their suck with kindness. I didn't say passive aggressiveness. I mean real kindness.

(And now to borrow from my brother a little)

Because kindness has the word kin at it's root, which means related, family. And as humans we are all kin. Not necessarily kin we would choose or that we like, but we are kin.

So help stop the suck a little today.

Now to talk a little on the name challenge from 2 weeks ago. How's that been going? I do pretty well at it but in the hustle bustle of a restaurant last night failed to get any ones name. Boo me. But that's why it's all a challenge.

So keep it going and post in the comments or in the Twitter feed (@retrningdignity) how's the challenge has effected you. And on the Twitter feed you can also watch one of my fave SNL skits that drives home the point of the challenge!

Have a great weekend.

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