Friday, August 3, 2012

Returning Dignity Challenge #4

I would say that most of us know where we stand on most of the issues we hold dear. We know what our beliefs are and what causes we are attached to. However, as we get older the Psychological Noise gets louder and louder.

What is Psychological Noise you ask?

Psychological Noise are internal noises that keep us from hearing ideas outside of the views, values and preconceived notions we have about something. Stereotypes are Psychological Noise, so are prejudices.

When is the last time you really knew both sides of the same story? When is the last time you got your news and information from a new, but also credible source?

I personally think that having all the information can really help you know if what you believe is personally true.

My father is a great patriot and a pretty conservative Republican. He by no means is any type of right wing nut. And even though we do not always see eye to eye on on all issues, my father is well informed. On a daily basis he reads two different newspapers, watches the local and national news and on top of it watches news feeds from the BBC, Al Jezeera, and a few other foreign feeds. My father does not watch sensational "news" shows like Fox News. He does not find them credible.
So whether my Dad and I are in agreement over something is not here nor there. I respect his views because he is well-informed. 

So here is the challenge: The next time you read a news story that interests you, get coverage on it from a few different sources. Maybe those sources even disagree with how you feel about it. Then see how taking in other views on the same issue challenge you or reinforce you.


Sit down this week with a friend who you know holds a different view or value than you do on a given topic. This is not to have an argument but to simply listen to their point of view and gather their information. The goal is not to convince them to change their mind or for them to convert you. All it is meant for is for you to ask respectful questions and listen to their answers.

This one takes a little work and possibly some discomfort, but as with all our challenges it will be worth it.

Have a great weekend!

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