Monday, May 2, 2011

A Soldier Thank You Challenge

Today, in light of the news of Osama's death, I am going to talk a bit about the military today.

My father and my brother both served in the military. My father joined the Air Force in order to get American citizenship. My brother joined the Army out of high school and served in the first gulf war. He was a tank gunner and top gun in his class.

My mother, a teen in the 60's, watched a lot of her friends go off to Vietnam. And of course, not all of them came home.

Whether you agree with the current wars we are involved with or not, you can still support our troops. I personally am thankful to the military for helping ensure our freedom. People criticize the military on a constant basis, but let's remember if it wasn't for our armed forces, we may not live in a country where we can openly speak our minds. And although I may complain about my job at times, at the end of the day I don't have to worry if I'm going to make it home or not.

So here is your challenge this week. When you see a soldier or a veteran, thank him or her for serving. If you know someone who has served or is currently serving, thank them. I know it can mean so much.

So there it is. Thank a soldier. Thank a veteran. It's so simple.

Have a great Monday and follow us here on the blog or on Twitter @retrningdignity

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