Monday, March 28, 2011

The Returning Dignity Project

Hello everyone new and already familiar to the project. My name is Darcy Staniforth and I started the Returning Dignity Project last April in my blog, "Just Making Space."

The heart of this project is the idea that we can change each others lives in a positive way with very little time and through very simple gestures. The world is pretty nuts right now and I think that sometimes we get easily overwhelmed  by trying to make big changes that we forget that small changes can make just as much of an impact. So this blog relaunches the starting point for those changes. I'm not here to be overly touchy-feely or trying to get you all to be happy all the time. My goal is to write from a genuine place and share with you not only my own content, but contributions from other who I feel inhabit the spirit of this project.

The great thing about this project is that it doesn't cost you any money and the time required to completes the "challenges" I put forth are minimal. But as I have learned, these small things can really change peoples lives for the better.

I hope you all enjoy this new site and watching the project grow. I am looking for submissions, art work for the site and a following. You can start by following the blog and following us on Twitter at @Retrningdignity
(leave our the "u")

Thanks for checking out the project and hopefully participating.

All the Best,


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